Ad Interim

June 29, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

In the past, I've mostly kept my blog posts very narrowly focused around specific photography sessions.  However, my business and life have changed pretty dramatically over the last half year or so.  Rather than have the blog getting dusty or living in a vacuum, I've decided to share more of where life is taking me in addition to the photography.

The first change I'll mention is how at the end of last year, I decided that I was getting out of the wedding photography business.  While we had wonderful couples and families to work with and along with my partner photographer, Lindsey Jungers, we shot some amazing photos, it just really wasn't where I wanted to focus. Also the time sensitivity and demands of wedding photography took away a lot of the prime time that I shoot other things.

Ever since I moved my workspace to the Goss Opera House, I've become more and more involved with the operation.  I've been fortunate to work with so many fantastic people over the years.  Last summer, in addition to website, social networking, marketing and such, I've started working behind the bar as well.  Been a lot of fun to spend one on one time with a ton of great customers.  Plus, the paycheck was helping me in the photography business model transition.

The biggest change for me, however, is that I've moved to Burnsville, Minnesota.  Probably for the entire summer to assist my mother in the care of my father who is challenged with Parkinson's disease and dementia.  It is a struggle for my family and the team at the Goss, but they have been incredibly supportive.

HOWEVER, even with all this going on, I want to assure you the photography goes on!  I've been doing commercial work all along and of course the project of documenting one of my favorite state parks, Sica Hollow continues.  I'll be working very diligently at posting photos from that project and other artistic work for you.  Thus, the title of this blog post is Ad-Interim, which in Latin means literally, for the time between.

For the near future, here is my temporary workspace at the home of my parents in Burnsville.

Temporary WorkspaceTemporary WorkspaceTemporary Workspace

You'll be able to spot a few important things here in the photo.  Obviously, my photo gear and my computer/editing tools. You'll see my Tenba messenger bag, my big Galaxy Note 3 (needed for my big fingers!), several field guides for wildflowers and butterflies, a photo of my kids from when they were little, my Minnesota Wild hat, my blue pillow and of course a coffee cup!

And for a sneak peek, I'll post the image I was editing in the workspace photo from my trip to Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge in Minnesota. I found a wonderful clump of Bluebells along the trail.  Such happy flowers! I'll be talking more about this trip soon!

BluebellsBluebellsCluster of Bluebells at Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge in Minnesota.

Thanks for following along.  Until next time!



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